Climate Resiliency
Scarborough, Route 1
Acorn was selected by the Town of Scarborough, Maine, to provide facilitation services and stakeholder engagement support associated with the Maine Department of Transportation’s (MDOT’s) preliminary design for a resiliency strategy for US Route 1 and Pine Point Road (State Route 9).

Stream Restoration
Phillips Brook, Scarborough Laydown Yard
Acorn was retained by the Town of Scarborough to provide civil engineering and permitting services for the restoration of the Phillips Brook corridor adjacent to the Scarborough laydown yard.

Stream Restoration
Whitcomb’s Way
The Town of Yarmouth engaged Acorn to provide civil engineering and permitting services for a proposed stream crossing culvert replacement on Whitcomb’s Way.

Stream Restoration
Chaplins Mill Road Crossing
Acorn provided civil design and permitting services for a stream crossing at the Muddy River on Chaplins Mill Road in Naples, Maine.

Stream Restoration
Bartlett Brook Crossings
Acorn was retained by the Town of Naples for engineering services relating to the replacement and design of two culvert crossings. Acorn provided engineering, permitting, and construction oversight services for the replacement of the two crossings.

Stormwater Retrofit
Whitten Brook
In collaboration with FB Environmental, Acorn completed the civil engineering and site design of the multiple stormwater management measures located at the Russell Road stormwater retrofit site in Skowhegan.

Stormwater Retrofit
Long Creek South Branch
Together with the Long Creek Watershed Management District (LCWMD), Acorn assisted with the civil engineering, permitting, and construction oversight services for stormwater BMP retrofits serving a 48-acre urbanized catchment in the Long Creek watershed.