Work Case Studies

52 Hanover Street

Completed a supplemental Phase II ESA to evaluate the level and extent of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) below the building slab.

Prepared, submitted and obtained VRAP designation and a No Action Assurance (NAA) letter for the site from MEDEP. Submittal included a soil management plan (SMP) for encapsulation/containment of impacted soils, sub-slab vapor mitigation, removal and off-site disposal of accumulated material within floor drains.

Coordinated and managed the removal of two 20,000-gallon subsurface petroleum storage tanks, including submittal of an Underground Oil Storage Facility Site Assessment for the tanks.


Since 2018. First hours billed July 2018.


In progress

Project Type

Mixed commercial/residential use

Number of Units

4 retail & 171 residential units

Services Provided

Civil Engineering
Environmental Media Sampling (Soil, Groundwater, Surface, Air/Soil Vapor)
Voluntary Response Action Plans (VRAP)
UST & AST Facility Closure Assessments

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